Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The "least you need to know" to start making money online:

We want to help you get your online business started.  The document you are viewing contains the most useful methods we know for creative people trying to make money and be happy. Quickly and easily, you are about to learn the same method we use:

  1. Set up a web page and make it easy for people to pay you online.
  2. Write documents and web content strategically, according to your purpose, with good style and structure.
  3. Get some traffic to your page.
We hope you find success and stay in touch with DoctorMyDocument so that we might contribute to one another's success! Help preserve the tradition of Step-Aside Style Communication Kung Fu.  Step-Aside Style is our family art, a kind of kung fu for writers and other people who know that the pen is mightier than the sword.

And now you are going to the next level... 
DAY ONE: Set up a PayPal Business Account
DAY TWO: Set up a Blog at www.Blogger.com
DAY THREE: Buy a Domain Name at www.GoDaddy.com
DAY FOUR: Get a shopping cart from PayPal’s “Merchant Services”
Getting People to Notice You
Important Resources
Go to the next level with strategic writing…
NLP for advanced writing techniques
Strategic Writing: Trim away unnecessary words
How to write a thesis sentence
Go to the next level with your meditation…
Energy follows attention
Go to the next level with ninja-parenting
Academic Ninja Training Program
Strategic Writing Correspondence Lessons
Please enjoy this useful information. It is the best we have to offer you on your journey toward mastering the art of Money-Making  Kung Fu and Strategic Writing.
IF THE INFORMATION BELOW HELPS YOU, you might feel good about supporting DoctorMyDocument by purchasing of one of our ebooks for a student you know:
Academic Ninja (book #1): Psychological Tactics for Students

You'll notice that we keep things simple by telling you EXACTLY what to do instead of giving a lot of options.  We'll tell you what WE do.  This stuff is complicated enough already, so let's not overthink it. :-)

Go to the next level with business...

It really is possible to get yourself in business with a few simple steps.  You probably know much of the necessary stuff already, but stupid little obstacles prevent you from actualizing your idea. Right here, we can work out all the kinks and get you from point A to point B.  

Only after setting up the necessary structure can you start making money online.  The three sections below make the process seem very simple, but the truth is that you probably will want to stop to learn all about these various websites you encounter along the way.  Specifically, they are PayPal, Blogger, and GoDaddy.  You should get some popcorn and settle in for a night of watching YouTube tutorials about the services provided by these three online resources.  Below, I’ll share with you what I know. I’ll divide it into a painless, four-day process, but if you feel super-motivated you can probably do it in just a few hours.

No matter what product or service you want to sell, you can get help from us any time by using the DoctorMyDocument Strategic Editing service.

Four days of fun to get started.

What do you do best?  What subject do you know the most about? What is your most marketable skill?  Google around for a while to find some websites that offer products or services similar to the one's you might offer.  See what those people are doing to make conversions.

A conversion is what Internet marketing businesspeople call it when someone visits your web page and actually decides to pay you some money.  Look at the clever, interesting blog posts and videos people are using to sell products and services just like the ones you have to offer.

Once you have some ideas, come up with a business name.  We decided to use "DoctorMyDocument," but you might want to just use your name as the business name.  Using your full name expresses confidence.  Yet, we at DoctorMyDocument believe that it is better to use some interesting, memorable term.  For example, we almost called our service PimpMyDocument, and maybe we should have!  It seems a little unprofessional, but it definitely catches people's interest.

See how that works?  The most important thing is to have a business name and slogan that will surprise people with interestingness; leave them wondering and wanting to know more.  You know you want to click the link!

DAY ONE: Set up a PayPal Business Account
This is not the only approach to starting an online business, nor is it necessarily the best approach, but it is indeed an approach, and it is working for me.  Just sign up for a PayPal business account. There are three types – personal, premier, and business – and you should choose business. You’ll need to attach your PayPal account to a bank account, and you should indicate that you want a business account.  If you want to have a personal PayPal account as well as a business account, just open up a second bank account. You are allowed to have two PayPal accounts if you want both a personal account and a business account.

DAY TWO: Set up a Blog at www.Blogger.com
The next thing to do is start blogging. You can search Google for something like this: How to create a blog, Blogger.

If you add the word “tutorial” to your search, that might help.  I like to watch video tutorials on YouTube.  You do not have to use blogger, but it is what I use, and I like it.  Many people use WordPress and other platforms, but I am sticking with Google.

I hope you enjoy learning all about the way to use Blogger or whatever platform you choose for publishing your blogs.  It is fun to add gadgets to a blog, try various designs, and so on.  Create the blog in whatever way you like, expressing a theme that really inspires you, and you will be ready to start making money.

DAY THREE: Buy a Domain Name at www.GoDaddy.com
The last thing you need to do is get a domain name for about ten bucks.  Just go to GoDaddy.com and do a search. I chose www.DoctorMyDocument.com as my domain name. I was glad to find that “doctormydocument” was available. When you find a great domain name, try not to let Godaddy’s shopping cart system bully you into buying all kinds of extra things you don’t need.  However, they do have some excellent services that you should check out.

After you buy a domain name, you should look for an option called FORWARDING/MASKING.  You should indicate that you want domain forwarding with masking.  Use that option, and paste the web address of your blog into the field associated with the “domain forwarding” option.

DAY FOUR: Get a shopping cart from PayPal’s “Merchant Services”
Now that you have a PayPal account, you are able to get paid online.  Now that you have a blog, you can have online space to promote your products. Now that you bought a domain name from GoDaddy, you can designate your online space as www.NameOfYourBusiness.com

The next step is to go to PayPal and click the button for “Merchant Services.” You will see an option to set up a button or shopping cart.  You can have a button for donations, subscriptions, “Buy Now,” “Pay Now,” etc., and you have a lot of options.  Just enjoy learning about the various options and, when you are ready, follow PayPal’s steps for creating a button.

After you have gone through Paypal’s process of creating a button, PayPal will give you access to a lot of HTML code. Use copy/paste to copy that code, and then follow the steps below:
  1. Go to your blog and click “design” so you can add a “gadget” to your blog. There are countless gadgets to choose from, but all you need is a simple one: HTML/JavaScript.  Find a gadget that will allow you to add HTML code to the sidebar. 
  2. Go to your PayPal account, and select “Merchant Services.” Choose a button you want to create, and follow the steps for getting paid in whatever way works best for you. 
  3. Go back to your blog, and paste the code into the box on the HTML/JavaScript gadget.
Follow those steps, and you will be able to receive PayPal payments by making a “Pay Now,” “Donate,” “Add To Cart,” or some other button on your blog.

Getting People to Notice You
When you successfully complete the tasks described above, you will be ready to invite people to visit your web page and perhaps buy your products and services.  You will have a blog that functions as a website, and you will be able to write new blog posts as often as you like in order to promote your product.  Every time you add a post to your blog, you are promoting your products and services, because you are adding CONTENT that enables people to find your page.

For example, if you sell handmade jewelry you might blog about your craft or related topics.  People interested in handmade jewelry might do a Google search for words like gemstone, precious, jewel, etc., and these are the same words you are probably using in your articles. The more blog posts you write, the more likely it is that people Googling around on the Internet will find you and visit your page. When you add a lot of blog posts, it is called your “long tail” of posts, because it is like a long tail of activity you leave behind as you write new content every day. 

My friend has 4,000 blog posts, and that is 4,000 pages of content that will help people find him when they do a Google search. Similarly, DoctorMyDocument is all about writing and editing, so we constantly blog about writing and editing.  That way, people who are doing Google searches for words associated with writing and editing will easily find us. 

Moreover, each time you add a new blog post, you are adding fresh content to the Internet.  Google loves fresh content.  In other words, Google will make it so that you appear closer to the top of the list if you have a lot of fresh content.  What list? The list people are given when they do a Google search, of course!

We are talking about “page rank.” Google does not like it when websites are useless or when they are hardly ever maintained.  If you want Google to give you good page rank, write useful content, and do so often. Some people recommend blogging almost every day, but at DoctorMyDocument we are so busy that we only blog a few times each week.

Important Resources
In addition to PayPal, Blogger, and GoDaddy, we want to give you this list of resources to check out. This is not a commercial; these really are our favorite resources for people interested in making money online:

www.Questia.com A resource that makes academic writing very easy and even generates a bibliography for you in whatever citation style you choose.
www.AuctionWally.com A guy who can appraise an item you are trying to sell and also teach you a lot about selling online.
Google Analytics A resource that is ridiculously powerful for helping you know all about the traffic to your website. If you are a beginner, you’ll just have to trust me: this is a resource you really need to watch some Youtube tutorials about.
Google Docs When you have created your blog, go to Google Docs

Again, if you have any trouble, we are here to help with a $40 consultation. (No charge if we cannot find the answers to your questions.) Please keep us in mind, because we want to participate in your document-related endeavors. I hope this little explanation about how to start a business can be useful to you or someone you know. 

  • People buy DoctorMyDocument digital products because they are interested in writing, good communication (Including hypnosis & meditation) and doing business online. Why will people buy your products?
  • People hire DoctorMyDocument because they need help with their writing projects. Without a real need for something, we would not be able to get anyone’s attention. Why will people hire you; to what needs will you attend?

Go to the next level with Strategic Writing…

Check this out:
If it's possible for a bad writer to type a whole paragraph without actually saying anything, it is also possible for a good writer to do the opposite.

What is the opposite of inefficient writing? The opposite of lifelessness is intensity. Good writers express much in few words, and the result is an intense experience for the reader. In fact, if you google around about the hypnosis technique called "rapid induction," you'll learn that a person can actually be thrown into a trance when you cause them to receive a lot of information in a short amount of time. Bad writing takes a long time to really say anything, but good writing has intense density, meaningful immensity -- substantial stuff rhythmically related.

While you are googling, you can also learn about "covert hypnosis," which is really just a devious-sounding term for good communication. We all want to have deep, meaningful, memorable, effective communication. So shock your reader into paying attention, and then step aside.
That is the trick. 

Stepping aside means getting out of the way and allowing the reader to have an experience without you. You need to get out of there! The reader lands on a word or phrase and starts making a hell of a lot of associations. There is no room for you in all that activity.  You subtly guide the reader in a process of crazy cognition, but you do not try to control it too much.  Write just enough. 

If you become a practitioner of Step-Aside Style Communication Kung Fu, it will help you in all your communication. Complete the Step-Aside Style Challenge, and we will honor you as a DoctorMyDocument Certified Document Ninja. If anyone asks us whether you are a good freelancer, we will show them what you have accomplished.
Your Step-Aside Style Kung Fu training begins with this document... 

If you read carefully, you can find examples of “embedded commands” in this document.  An embedded command is a neuro-linguistic programming technique for communicating with the subconscious mind.

No matter what product or service you want to sell, you can get help from us any time by using the DoctorMyDocument Strategic Edit.     
When you read the example above, your conscious mind perceives an invitation to use our service, but your subconscious mind is noticing the words “Want To Sell.” Those words give you a little surge of excitement, and they keep you interested in what you are reading, which increases the likelihood that you will buy a DoctorMyDocument product.   

… and they keep you interested in what you are reading, which increases the likelihood that you will buy a DoctorMyDocument product.   

In the sentence above, your conscious mind perceives that I am explaining how embedded commands work, but your subconscious mind responds to this: buy a DoctorMyDocument product

Before you can buy our product, the thought of buying our product has to cross your mind. If we say, “Buy a DoctorMyDocument product!” Your first reaction might be, “No!” But when we include that command in a sentence about some OTHER subject, you let your guard down:
Those words give you a little surge of excitement, and they keep you interested in what you are reading, which increases the likelihood that you will buy a DoctorMyDocument product.   

The COMMAND above is embedded in the sentence.  The way to influence people is to speak directly to their subconscious minds by including a “command” within a sentence. I command you to buy a DoctorMyDocument product. 

The best resource I know for improving your writing is Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style. It is a cool little book that you can carry in your pocket, and you can also google around and probably read it online if you want to. This book can turn a good writer into a great writer. If you have time, you should get it.  You also can benefit by reading Stephen King’s commentary about Strunk & White if you buy King’s book On Writing: A Memoir. When you feel inspired to get to the next level with your writing, these two books can provide an incredible trip.

NLP for advanced writing techniques

The next place to go for strategic writing is a book by Grinder and Bandler, two students of Milton Erickson.  The book I found is called Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, but they have other books that might be even better for introducing you to this advanced writing technique.  You can either google around about NLP as taught by Grinder and Bandler or you can search Ebay for one of their books, but you must learn one new thing about NLP right now.

Seriously, go use Google to learn one thing about NLP right now, and you’ll see how it can improve your writing.

Strategic Writing: Trim away unnecessary words

Sometimes a sentence has too much information.  Information needs to be chopped away.  It might be perfectly valid information, but it is not helpful for affecting the reader emotionally. You are trying to affect the reader emotionally, aren’t you?

#1.) Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States, was shot by a killer named Boothe.
Let's give this sentence a complete makeover…

#2.) Abraham Lincoln was shot by a killer named Boothe.

Sentence #2 is more powerful, because it is not weighed down by unnecessary words. Big, fat, heavy sentences that cannot hold their own weight are very cumbersome to the reader. They are tedious to read and interpret.

Taking this idea a step further, let the reader sometimes do the work of interpreting what you write.  Don't spoon feed them and rob them of the opportunity to experience their own insight. For example:

#1.) The sound of the piano will always remind me of my dead little brother, who enjoyed playing piano very much. I like to visit his grave and play a little tune on an electric keyboard.

#2.) The sound of the piano will always remind me of my dead little brother. I like to visit his grave and play a little tune.

Example #2 is not as informative, but it lets the reader achieve a profound state of mind.  You want the reader to have a profound state of mind when reading.  Let the reader do some of the work. Let her wonder.

Make it your priority that you give the reader images and concepts without a lot of unnecessary detail.  Do not waste a single word. 

How to write a thesis sentence (i.e. the MESSAGE TO THE READER)

The thesis sentence is the soul of the document.  It is the message you want the reader to remember, your purpose for doing this.

Express your truth, the truth you choose. The thesis statement is the core of the essay, it's essence condensed into a sentence.
One Composition = One Big Idea
The thesis sentence is the sentence that expresses the big idea.
(A great place for the thesis sentence is at the end of the first paragraph)

If you are writing in the form of paragraphs, it is good to put the thesis at the end of the first paragraph, because that is where the reader's attention will linger for a moment before moving on to paragraph two.

The only other thing you need to know: The first sentence of each "body" paragraph of the essay expresses the main idea of its paragraph. Each paragraph has a main idea that is expressed in that first sentence, so it is called a "topic sentence."

Here is an easy way to understand good "structure" for your document:
One Composition = One Big Idea
The thesis sentence is the sentence that expresses the big idea.
(A great place for the thesis sentence is at the end of the first paragraph)
One Paragraph = One Smaller Idea 
It expresses a smaller idea that helps to explain or verify the thesis statement.
(Each paragraph begins with a "topic sentence" that expresses that idea.) 

Here is the secret to writing a good thesis sentence: Let it become "sharper" (more specific and unique) while you write the essay.  Keep on tweaking the thesis while you write the body paragraphs.

Usually, it is best to write the thesis statement AFTER you have written some of the body paragraphs, because that is the only way you will know what you are talking about.  Each body paragraph starts with a topic sentence that expresses the paragraph's main idea, and...

The thesis sentence at the end of the first paragraph will say something that encompasses all the supporting ideas expressed in those paragraph topic sentences.

DoctorMyDocument Editing Service

We offer correspondence lessons at reasonable rates! A small price to pay for your child to be mentored by an inspired writing professional. Strategic writing correspondence is a flexible, so we can help you achieve your unique goals.

Strategic Academic Writing (for students)
Improve My English (for bilingual people)

If you know anyone who could benefit by using our correspondence lessons, please introduce them to us.  We care a lot about this kind of work.

Go to the next level with your meditation…

If you are practicing meditation by paying attention to your breath, you probably pay attention to the movement of the lower abdomen. When you breathe in, the lower abdomen expands, and when you breathe out it contracts.  But when I started reading the work of Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming about Taoist meditation, I discovered something very important: Taoist breathing, also known as “reverse breathing,” is a method that can take your meditation practice to the next level.

Have you ever practiced meditation by trying to “open” the chakras? It is a powerful kind of meditation. According to Chinese Medicine, the energy (qi) follows the attention.  But what is the attention? You can focus your attention on the spot between the eyebrows, or you can focus your attention on the center of the brain.  You can swallow saliva and follow it with your attention, so that it brings your attention down to the stomach.  With your attention on your abdomen, you can store up a lot of energy. 

The most important advice is this: Read about Embryonic Breathing as Dr. Yang teaches, and learn how to store up a lot of energy in the body.  It is easy to understand the way acupuncturists and Qigong practitioners manipulate the electricity of the body.

What about the students who have doubts about Qigong and believe that ancient practices cannot still be of practical use in modern times?  Even technology from ten years ago is becoming obsolete, so how can ancient teachings still be useful?  Sure, some people claim to have experienced euphoria and strange phenomena during meditation, but everyone knows that our minds can play tricks on us, so why should we believe those who claim to have experienced verifications of their practice? Why should we believe that it is possible to store energy, to increase longevity, or to experience an “enlightenment” that solves the mystery of life?  In order to encourage doubtful student, one only needs to point out the fact that energy follows the attention.  Reflecting on this principle, it is easy to understand the immense value of practicing to lead the Qi with the attention during meditation.

Energy Follows Attention
After reading about the principles of Chinese medicine, one understands that Qi can be increased or decreased in the body.  Qi can be drawn into the body through food and air, or it can be emitted/consumed through various activities.  Qi goes where it is needed, depending on our attention.  This is why, for example, the legs are so much thicker than the arms on humans: Energy builds up the mass of legs as it constantly passes through them to be emitted from the “bubbling well” cavity on each foot as we walk around in the world.[2]  Likewise, tingling can be felt in either hand when one “attaches”[3] the attention to either palm.  Energy follows the attention.

Anyone who studies Chinese medicine and still feels doubtful about the nature of Qi should refer to Dr. Robert Becker’s book The Body Electric.[4]  When people start to think of Qi as electricity, they have no trouble believing in it, because everyone knows that the body uses electricity.  People know that the nervous system consists of pathways for electrical impulses.  Furthermore, everyone knows that we send impulses from the brain – like the impulse to wiggle a finger – by thinking, and that we send impulses from the skin to the brain by feeling.  When one considers the facts that all bodily movement originates with thinking and that action is made possible through the use of bioelectricity, it is no longer difficult to believe in the principle that energy follows the attention.  Energy follows thoughts.  Thoughts manifest physically in the physical world because energy follows the attention. 

If you are ready to take your meditation to the next level, you can google around to find DVDs and books by Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming.

Go to the next level with ninja-parenting …(this one’s a commercial)

This section is about ninja parenting, and it is actually a commercial to try to get you to buy our product, The Academic Ninja Training Program, and our service, Strategic Writing Correspondence Lessons. The reason we can get away doing a blatant commercial is that it is a DEMONSTRATION of the kind of product you can sell online if you follow our method.

We begin by suggesting a concept...
"How to help your child succeed in school: Introduce important concepts outside of school so the student can go to class with confidence."

Academic Ninja Training Program ($10)
Grades 6-12

Thanks for clicking over to this page and sharing our interest in improving students’ reading, writing, & study skills.  The Academic Ninja Training Program is a private blog with twenty lessons covering the most important concepts and techniques for successful students.

We are professional ghostwriters, and we can teach students about...
  • Structure and Style in Composition
  • Online Research
  • Memorization Techniques
  • Speed Reading
  • Citations in MLA, APA, etc.
  • Self-Hypnosis and Meditation
These skills can give your student an advantage.  If one of the lessons causes your child to experience success in a class where she otherwise would have experienced frustration, that is very meaningful. 

That is what we call ninja-parenting: If you give the student an experience outside of school that quickly and painlessly introduces important concepts, the student will have an advantage and experience success. Improved confidence and self-esteem can change the child's whole life.  The point of the Academic Ninja Program is to equip students with knowledge of advanced concepts and skills so that they can get excited about school instead of intimidated by it.

This program is fun and motivational. Students can click on any topic in the side bar and enjoy a quick, fun lesson. We are currently in the process of adding audio to each page, so students can listen to the lesson while they read for a full sensory experience of the lessons. This fun tutorial can turn your child into an academic ninja.

  • Giving this product to a student sends a powerful message: "Your education is important, so I think about it often and invest in your success." 
  • The ninja may find inspiration & motivation in the fact that you bought this product.
  • Successful students have more confidence and self-esteem.
  • Each lesson is quick, easy, and fun, so the student will actually use this product. 
  • 7 Day Money Back Guarantee: If you don't like it, we'll do a refund for your ten dollars, but you're going to like it. We want you to have a positive experience and tell your friends good things about DoctorMyDocument training programs.  :-)
This product was originally an e-book, but it was converted into the form of a blog to make it fun and easy to use.  Twenty topics are covered:
Rhythmic Writing   *   Ninja Cognition: Speed reading is easy   *   Introduction to Citation Styles: MLA, APA, etc.   *   A Good Way to Think about the Citation Styles   *   Using MLA to Write a Research Paper   *   Read Twice and Lower Your Expectations!   *   Memorization: Make Associations   *   The Paragraph Topic Sentence   *   Communication Artist   *   Say it, explain it, & say it again   *   Too Many Modifiers Spoil the Soup   *   Meditation   *   Responding to a Reading   *   Focus on Your Purpose   *   Silence the Self-Talk    *   How to Write a Thesis Sentence   *   Posture: Hang from a Cord   *   Creative Action as a Student

Options for Awesome Parents:

Strategic Writing Correspondence Lessons
(all ages $25)

Let us pour our attention over your child's essay or short story.  By discussing the composition with us, s/he can gain deep insight into the art of communication. We teach strategic writing, because it is a skill that will help students in every subject and for the rest of their lives. Here is an example of one strategic writing correspondence lesson for an academic ninja.
Three Parts of a correspondence lesson:
  1. The student sends one essay for our review. We send it back with corrections and a strategic writing lesson based on the essay.
  2. If the student has questions, we answer them.
  3. The student sends an improved version of the essay, and we provide a final round of feedback.

Save 20% by paying for 5 lessons in advance ($20 per lesson)

  • The student needs to do some extra work in order to get to the next level; we can get them there if they are willing to invest a few minutes to practice after each correspondence.
  • We are professional writers, inspired about the chance to help students find deep insight into the principles of style and structure in English composition.  
  • With a little guidance and encouragement from us, a student can easily master the skills that make school easy. 
  • Writing is our specialization, but we can also help in many other aspects of education.
  • The correspondence lessons will only be meaningful if the student is truly ready to improve her/his academic writing.  
You can arrange for a your child to send an essay, term paper, or any other creative writing project to an Academic Ninja training instructor for feedback about grammar and style of composition as well as other secrets of excellent writing. We hope use your child's writing projects as opportunities to convey important principles so that s/he becomes a master of language.

Options for Awesome Parents:

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